Friday, October 30, 2020

Leading with compassion

 Leading with compassion

We've talked about being a passionate leader and how that changes the energy level of your team. 

Now we're gonna talk about being a compassionate leader in why you wanna be compassionate as well.

Go back to when you 1st went into the workforce, think about it for a second.  

  • Did you like your boss? 

  • Did you like your 2nd boss? 

  • Is there maybe something that they helped you learn when you 1st started your job? 

  • Did they have compassion and help you, or were they hard-nosed?

Sometimes when we've been with a team for a while we lose the compassion that we have with newer members to the team.

Compassion is something that we need to lead.  We need to have an understanding. 

We must know that mistakes will be made, and it doesn't mean that the person isn't smart. It doesn't mean that they're not intelligent.

What this means is that they're human. Just like every other person in this world. 

We all make mistakes. 

The difference between a good leader and a poor leader is that a good leader will have compassion for those mistakes. A good leader will have understanding & choose to help them learn from what happened. 

Most people are harder on themselves than anyone else could ever be. 

Having compassion for someone when they make a mistake is showing that it's OK. This is way better than coming off as a hard-nosed snob and telling them, "if you make another mistake I'll have no choice but to let you go."

When was the last time you had compassion for one of your team members? When was the last time you could have had more compassion for one of them?

We want to know about your favorite boss, tag them and tell us why they were awesome!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Keeping God 1st in every aspect

  Keeping God 1st in every aspect

Keeping God first is easy. I know from experience, much like the rest the world does. 

I know that I'm a sinner, I know that I have issues, I know that I struggle every day. 

The great thing is that I also know that I do my best to keep God first in every aspect. 

I know God is there for me. I know that he's here to help me. I know that when I am struggling he will give me a hand up.

I remember a few years ago when I was first getting to know God for real. 

You see I grew up in a Christian house and my mom and dad did a great job raising us and they taught me that God was there, God really existed, & Christ died for our sins.

As you know sometimes we don't listen to our parents, 

Sometimes we have to learn the hard way.

When I found God, it truly was an amazing part of my life. I started reading The Bible. Instantly I stopped cursing. It was at that point in my life that I knew God was there. God was alive. God was the reason for everything.

From then on I vowed to keep God in every aspect of my life. 

It wasn't long after that I stepped down as CEO of Eclipse DOT and named God is CEO of the company. Shortly after that, our company thrived under God's command. We realized we were here for his work. We realized that we were helping others under his commands.

Let's keep the conversation going. Be sure to share this post as well as comment about how you keep God first in your life.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Having passion as a leader

 Having passion as a leader 

Passion is another vital part of being a leader.  But it's not always about your passion it's about finding out what those around you are passionate about. 

Without passion, they'll never succeed.

Here are some tips to help you find out what others are passionate about.

Tip One:  Take a second and look around you,  what do you see?   Do you see a beautiful office filled with pictures of your family?  Do you see happy co-workers mingling having a good time working hard and unison for one common goal?  Do you see absolutely beautiful scenery out of a window?  

 keep looking until you find something it strikes happiness inside of you.  Once you are in the right mood now it’s time to go find out what others are passionate about.

Tip Two:  stand up, go for a walk down to the break room.  On your way to the break room say hi to everyone you meet or see.   

Pick one person or you don't normally talk to and ask them how their day is going.  Here's the key, listen to what they have to say, and then respond back with one question about the information they just told you.  

Tip Three: Repeat Step 2 at least 6 times a day.   You might be asking why in the world am I going to get up and go for a quick walk 6 times a day.  There's a couple reasons for that.   

The first reason is that by getting up and moving it creates a better mental state for you to be in and get your blood flowing to your brain.  

Second, it's going to allow you the ability to be seen more as a leader.   As you start talking to everybody they're not going to be afraid to come to you when they have a problem.   

What you're going to see is after doing this for 3 or 4 days or a week or two weeks people are going to start opening up more to you as you go for your walks.   

Pretty soon you're going to know that Dwayne has four kids and that his daughter is on the student council and his son is awesome at baseball and he's building a go-kart for another son and he has another daughter that absolutely loves basketball.   

Guess what you just found out about Dwayne's passions or his family.  You might also find out that Marsha's passion is video editing,  and Joe loves numbers.  

The point is that everybody has a passion and if you can figure out a way to connect with that passion as a leader the people around you or respect you so much more.

Started a get off your butt get out of your office and go for a walk.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Why you should never separate God and business/work.

  Why you should never separate God and business/work.

Alright, y'all know I'm a strong Christian.

We also know that I haven't always been a strong Christian. 

There was a time in my life where I wouldn't talk about God, anywhere. Except in my own house or a church.

I was what we call a Sunday Christian. 

You see God opened my eyes. He told me that it was all right to talk about him at work. 

He showed me that people would be interested in learning about him no matter where I was.

He showed me all of my social platforms are great areas to talk about him and that others want to know about him too.

I had somebody call me the other day and they said, “Dan I would love to have the courage and strength that you do when it comes to talking about God.” 

I asked him what they were talking about. 

They said, "Well, you're not afraid to talk about God anywhere! You put verses at the bottom of your web pages. You claim him in every aspect of your life. You give him full credit for everything that's ever happened to you."

They brought up something that never crossed my mind. I give God credit for everything. I'm not scared of him. I'm not scared to admit that I know him, that I love him, and I know that he uses me. 

You see I know that God exists and I know that God works in my business, the same as he works and so many other businesses around the world. 

God wants us to succeed, he wants us to prosper, he wants us to win. 

Why would you take away the best thing that could ever happen to your business by being scared that a customer might leave if you talk about God?

Think about what you can do to keep God in your life. Think about what you can do to add him to your business, to add him to your work life.  I encourage you to go out and be a HOT Christian, not a lukewarm one!

Friday, October 2, 2020

Do I need a USDOT number

 Do I need a USDOT number?

Knowing if you need a DOT number can be confusing we're going to help you determine whether you need one or not

The first question we have is do you operate vehicles?  Yes!

Is it for business or personal use?

If it's for personal use and you're not making any money on it then no DOT Number is needed. 


If it's for any type of business or anytime you're being compensated or getting paid to do a job the next question is Are you crossing state lines, Carrying hazardous materials? 

No, I never cross state lines and don't even know what hazmat is! You still might be required to get a DOT number there are 37 states in the US that require A USDOT number.

Why-yes fine sir I do cross state lines with my vehicle from time to time for business. 

Are you being paid to carry more than eight passengers including the driver?  or is your vehicle rated over 10,001 lb? Do you operate vehicles that were designed from the manufacturer to carry 15 or more passengers including the driver? you transport hazardous materials?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you will be required to get a USDOT number.

Still not sure if you need to get a DOT number?

 Schedule a consultation call today by sending us a message.