Friday, January 29, 2021

Find A Way

When we try we can always Find A Way to make it happen.  

Take a few moments to read these verses, 

‘Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.  - Luke 5:18-19

These men were carrying the paralytic, probably 6-10 men.  They tried to get through the crowd so this guy could be healed.  But they could not get through.   

Then they started looking for another way to get him in front of Jesus.  All of a sudden one of them said, “Let's take him up on the roof and lower him in!”  

That's when doubt started to fill some men's hearts.  They said no it will never work.

Now there were only 4-5 men left to help.  One went up on the roof and started making a hole. While a few others rigged up a way to get the paralytic up on the roof. Yet another was working on making a way to lower him down. 

I’ll bet that one stayed by the man telling him what was going on.  Kind of like a sports announcer, “Jim made it up on the and has found the perfect area.  Now he’s starting to remove the covering. Oh, Ben and Mike found a couple of long poles and they’ve got them in an A to lift you up.  Here comes John with some rope.”

Can you feel the excitement of what's happening?

All of these people are working together for a common cause!  

Here’s what I see that you might not have noticed, or maybe you did.  None of these men who are left would take no for an answer.  

When the crowd wouldn’t let them in they looked for another way.  Then after that didn’t work, they kept looking and kept looking, and kept looking. Until finally they found a way that worked.  

Too often when things get tough we give up.  We throw in the towel and say, “I can’t do it.” or, “It can’t be done.”  

The truth is that it can be done!  

If you have faith that God is working through you then you can do anything!

Today we want to encourage you to never give up.  When things get tough you have to get tougher and Find a Way to make it happen.  

Never Give Up!

With God all things are possible. 


Lord God, we come to you today to ask for strength.  Strength in staying strong even when things don’t go as we plan.  Strength when we can’t seem to Find A Way.  God we know that you are great and we know that all things are possible as long as we have you in our lives.  Know that you are using us to help you and we are so grateful that you chose us for your mission.  Help us to know that you are here to help us.  Just like the stonecutter who took 101 swings at the stone and nothing happened, then on the 102 swings, the stone shattered and you gave him an amazing geode. What would have happened if he would have stopped at 50, 75, or even 101 swings?  He never knew how close he was until it broke open.  Help us to have that same strength to Find A Way to never give up.  Lord thank you for everything that you have done for us.


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