There’s something to be said about people that stick to their true
morals no matter what the situation holds.
That’s not always the easiest thing to do. Yes, I am speaking from past experiences. Personally, in the past, I have been known to
be a “Yes man”. If the boss wanted it done I would just buckle down and do it
exactly how they wanted it done. If they
said we need this done in a week and there were 80 hours of work, I would work
late and get the project completed by the date. (Sound familiar) Let me tell you where this got me. Absolutely nowhere. I never got the promotion. I never got the opportunity
to spend extra days with my family. I didn’t even get extra pay because I was a salary.
I have a new way of approaching things now and it seems to be
working for me. When a manager comes up
to me and says “I need this done this way” and I immediately see an easier method
to accomplish the task. I ask why it has
to be done exactly the way they want it completed. If their answer is (and it almost always is),
“Because I want it done this way.” I immediately
start looking for new means of employment, while completing the project the
easier way. You see life is too short to
spend every second doing things you don’t want to do, or doing them a certain
way because the boss wants them completed in an antiquated fashion. I don’t allow myself to be left in those
situations for very long, I start exploring my options immediately.
Here’s what I’ve noticed since starting these new tactics. Every good leader says, “Great thinking I loved
how you handled this situation”, or “Great job how did you get it done so quickly,
it would have taken me twice as long”. I
have also had some “bosses” (a boss is not a leader, but that’s for a different
bog. Lol) get after me, “Why didn’t you do this exactly the way I told you to.”
“What makes you think that you are so smart, you must feel like you deserve my
job.” These types of individuals aren’t folks
that I want to spend much time around. To be extremely honest, they are more likely than
not threatened by having you work under them. I can’t help them grow and they definitely
can’t help me grow.
So what are you waiting for, take control of your situation? Stop riding
the train, it’s going to the same depot as everyone else who’s on it. Jump out of that train and walk the path to
true success. It may take a bit longer. It might be a bit tougher. In the end, you will be so much happier
throughout the entire journey. It’s not
about how fast we can get to the final destination, it’s about the experiences
that shape us along the way. God has a
plan for every single person on this earth.
We were all put here for a reason and it wasn’t by accident either. He took the time to design us as individuals and
cares for each and every one of us. The bible
proves this true in several verses. He explains this in Luke 12:6&7, Are not five sparrows sold for two
pennies? Yet not one of them
is forgotten by God. 7And even the very
hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not be afraid; you are worth more
than many sparrows. He also talks about it in Jeremiah 29:11,
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
God knew us before we were conceived. He knew who
we were and what his purpose for us is. Not
all of us have the same purpose. I thank the good lord for that every day. I have
chosen to take the path less traveled, knowing that every mountain that he
helps me climb is shaping me into the person he NEEDS me to be. Knowing that everything happens for us, not to
us. Knowing that God is in control and I
enjoy understanding that “if God is for us, who can be against us”.
Stay strong and know that every season of our
life has a reason. God is shaping us to
be better, every day.
In the comments tell how you react to similar
God is Great all the time. All the time God is Great!
Until next time, stay strong and be uniquely you.
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